Yellow Carrot-Shaped Radish
Raphanus sativus
Tasty radishes with yellow skin and a crisp, white interior as well as tasty, hairless greens!
Yellow radishes are fairly uncommon, and more often, people are familiar with round yellow radishes like Zlata in Poland, or Jaune Hatif in France. This longer, carrot-shaped variety comes to us from Bartram's Garden, who received the seed from William Woys Weaver, who in turn was given seeds by Alzbeta Kovacova-Pecarova, a seed saver in Kosice, Slovakia.
Will Weaver says "this rare summer radish was developed in Central Europe during the eighteenth century. It is mentioned in Austrian garden books as early as 1770 and was once widely cultivated in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The radish is used both raw in salads as well as cooked like turnips. It was also shredded and fermented with sauerkraut. The Hungarians stew it with peppers. Use like Daikon in Asian-style pickles."
Photos by Dorene Pasekoff of Pottstown, PA. Read about her experience with this radish here: Hill Creek Farm Blog.
Also known as: Slavic Solstice Radish.
Days to maturity: 40-50 days
Seeds per pack: 85
Germination rate: 88% on 03/17/2025
Planting / harvesting notes
Directly sow radish seeds in loose soil after danger of frost in early spring, and again in late summer for fall crop. In frost free areas, sow in the fall. Space rows at least 6" apart, and thin seedlings to 2-3" apart within the row.
Seed keeping notes
For seed saving, leave them in for 65-80 days until the pods fully dry and become crunchy/crispy. Harvest the seedhead below the lowest ripe seed pods, and hang in a sunny, dry place if it needs to dry a little more. Thresh seed pods by pushing through screens, rubbing between your hands, or stomping in buckets. Sift out larger chaff and use wind, breath, or fans to winnow away the lighter weight chaff from the seed.