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Selvatica Rucola (Wild Arugula)

Diplotaxis tenuifolia

Grown by: Truelove Seeds Farm in Newtown Square, PA

  • $5.00

Strong, pungent wild arugula from Italy gives your summer and fall salads a delicious punch. In our fields, this deeply-lobed, yellow-flowering cousin to the cultivated arugula gives us joy as we graze. Just west of Philadelphia, our plants came back for a second year, and came back in full force. Cold hardy and heat tolerant. Great for salads, pestos, pizzas, and dipped in olive oil and salted with fresh bread.

Native to Europe and Western Asia, it has naturalized throughout much of the temperate world.

Also known as perennial wall rocket, wild rocket, sand rocket, Lincoln weed, white rocket, wild Italian arugula, sylvetta arugula, roquette, rauh, rukola, and rucola.

Days to maturity: 50-55

Seeds per pack: 225

Germination rate: 70% on 05/06/2024

Planting / harvesting notes

Seed every 1" in rows 8-12" apart, 1/4-1/2" deep. Keep watered until germination. Thin to every 4-6" for full heads, or treat as cut-and-come-again baby greens.

Seed keeping notes

Allow seed pods to turn brown and dry before seed harvest. Protect from birds.


This product is part of the Italian Collection.

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