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Avarakkai (Green Hyacinth Bean)

Lablab purpureus

Grown by: Truelove Seeds Farm in Glen Mills, PA

  • $5.00

Flat, green pods popular in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu where they are known as Avarakkai and often cooked in a dry stir fry (called Poriyal). They can also be eaten in soups, salads, and smoothies. The pods grow on a thick, erect stem above bushy, broad green leaves. Thrives in heat! Harvest weekly while pods are in their young and tender bright green stage.

They are also known as broad beans, flat beans, and lablab beans in English, and val papdi, valor, sem ki phalli, and sheem in other Indian languages. 

Days to maturity: 80-90

Seeds per pack: 35

Germination rate: 52% (total viability 75%) on 02/08/2024 (read more about viability)

Planting / harvesting notes

Plant in warm soil at least a couple weeks after the last danger of frost has passed. Sow directly in the ground at a depth of 1/2 inch, spaced every few inches in rows 12 inches apart. Needs ample sun, heat, and good airflow.

Seed keeping notes

Hyacinth Beans are self-pollinating, though it is best to isolate different varieties of Lablab purpureus by 10 to 20 feet to avoid unwanted cross-pollination from flying insects. One source recommends 75-150 feet of isolation, though most recommend the shorter distance. For seed saving, harvest the beans when their shells have become dried and crispy on the plants. Lay out the pods in a dry, sunny place to dry down further. Shell the beans and lay out the seeds in a well ventilated place away from direct sunlight for at least another few days to a week before storing for next year.

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