Ethiopian Green Mustard
Brassica carinata
An Ethiopian leafy green with a flavor similar to a mustard green but without the spicy kick. The plants are slow to bolt. They are delicious sauteed and raw, especially when picked young. Harvest the young main shoot with 8-10 leaves, which will inspire the lower shoots to grow out for several more harvests.
Also known as Gomenzer, Hamli Adri, Highland Kale and Texsel Greens.
Photo credit: Sistah Seeds.
Days to maturity: 60-90
Seeds per pack: 325
Germination rate: 91% on 02/09/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or seed every 1" in rows 8-12" apart, 1/4-1/2" deep. Keep watered until germination. Thin to every 8-12" for fuller heads, or treat as cut-and-come-again baby greens. Harvest baby greens after 25 days, or allow plant to mature 60-90 days.
Seed keeping notes
Isolate by 1/2 mile from other flowering members of B. carinata to avoid unwanted cross-pollination. Allow seed pods to turn brown and dry before seed harvest. Protect from birds.