Saena Seed Project
The Saena Seed Project aims to build healthier landscapes, healthier individuals,
and healthier communities through seed and plant work and to rewrite the way we
connect to our environments, ourselves, and each other. One way we aim to do this is
through connection: connection to the land and connection to our loved ones;
connection to our foods, our cultures, and the communities in which we come from. For
many of us, our histories, our culture and our stories have been lost. I say this because I
know my story has been lost for a long time and I have been finding it again through the
seeds and the plants.
As producers our primary focus is on growing Iranian heritage crops and seed for
the wholesale market. This is one aspect of our farm. The other core piece of our project
is in helping to facilitate the healing and empowerment of individuals and communities
through culturally relevant seed and plant work. The Saena Seed Project is working to
create an apprenticeship program that offers an immersive, farm based, healing and
empowerment curriculum rooted in agriCULTURE.