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Purple Plum Radish

Raphanus sativus

Grown by: Truelove Seeds Farm in Philadelphia, PA

  • $5.00

This violet top-shaped radish is sweet when touched by frost, and spicy in the heat. It is best grown in fall or spring, or in a cold-frame over the winter as it is less tolerant of consistent freezing temperatures. 

We received this seed from Bartram's Garden, who trace their two sources of the seed back to Dr. William Woys Weaver's Roughwood Seed Collection. They are selecting for the more rounded, plum shape, though there are some bulbous yet just as tasty off-types, as you can see in the photos. Dr. Weaver calls this the Early Purple Turnip-Shaped Radish in his recently republished classic: Heirloom Vegetable Gardening. 

Days to maturity: 35

Seeds per pack: 90

Germination rate: 93% on 01/16/2025

Planting / harvesting notes

Directly sow radish seeds in loose soil after danger of frost in early spring, and again in late summer for fall crop (the latter is best for this variety). In frost free areas, sow in the fall. Space rows at least 6" apart, and thin seedlings to 2-3" apart within the row. Consider scattering seeds in bands 2-3” wide, 10 seeds per foot. Use row covers to keep out late season pests that munch brassicas.

Seed keeping notes

For seed saving, leave them in for 65-80 days until the pods fully dry and become crunchy/crispy. Harvest the seed head below the lowest ripe seed pods, and hang in a sunny, dry place if it needs to dry a little more. Thresh seed pods by pushing through screens, rubbing between your hands, or stomping in buckets. Sift out larger chaff and use wind, breath, or fans to winnow away the lighter weight chaff from the seed.


This product is part of the Roughwood Seed Collection.

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