Mexican Salmon Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris
Salmon colored beans in vibrant crimson red pods grow on low-growing plants with short 3' runners. Grow this variety on a short trellis to keep the pods off the ground. You can eat the young green pods or leave them to ripen for dry bean harvest after 65-75 days. The dry beans are great cooked with rice and refried.
This variety originates in Central America and was described as far back as 1874 by Vilmorin under the name Saumon du Mexique. Our seed stock comes from Roughwood Seed Collection, and theirs originated in the cool hill country around Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Days to maturity: 65-75
Seeds per pack: 40-45
Germination rate: 97% on 1/10/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Plant in warm soil at least a couple weeks after the last danger of frost has passed. Sow directly in the ground at a depth of one inch, spaced every few inches in rows 12 inches apart. Thin to one plant every four to six inches. Consider providing a short trellis as vines can grow three to four feet tall.
Seed keeping notes
Beans are self-pollinating, though it is best to isolate different varieties of P. vulgaris by at least 25 feet (we do 75 feet to be sure) to avoid unwanted cross-pollination from flying insects. For seed saving, harvest the beans when their shells have become dried and crispy on the plants. Lay out the pods in a dry, sunny place to dry down further. Shell the beans and lay out the seeds in a well ventilated place away from direct sunlight for at least another few days to a week before storing for next year.