Providence Farm Collective
Providence Farm Collective (PFC) is a nonprofit organization and farm located in the outskirts of Buffalo, NY. PFC was established in 2019 with a mission of cultivating farmer-led and community-rooted agriculture and food systems to actualize the rights of under-resourced peoples. Since inception PFC has welcomed 8 community organizations and 16 start-up farm businesses to the farm representing Somali Bantu, Congolese, Liberian, Burmese, Burundian, Ethiopian, Bangladeshi, and Black American communities. Through PFC, farmers are provided free farmland access, agricultural resources, education, and access to markets.
Dao Kamara is a farmer at PFC and community leader of the Liberian Association of Buffalo. Dao began selling to Truelove Seeds in 2023. Dao's passion for growing eggplants and hot peppers from Liberia is strong and infectious!
Kandolo Makongo is an incubator and Congolese community farmer at PFC. A long time seed saver, Kandolo is selling Congolese specialty greens seeds and Nya Nya Chungu eggplant for the first time in 2024.
Rosa Meh is leader of Karenni Hope Farm, a community farm at PFC. Rosa grows Karenni chilies and specialty beans for local grocers in Buffalo and is beginning to sell seeds in 2024.
To learn more about the work of PFC visit:
Website: providencefarmcollective.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ProvidenceCollective
Instagram: instagram.com/providencefarmcollective