Ziar's Breadseed Poppy
Papaver somniferum
This poppy has been bred for its closed vents for ease of harvest for its poppy bread seeds. While ephemeral, the white and purple flower adds fleeting beauty to the summer garden and is followed by large blue/green seed heads. Harvest for poppy seed when pod appears dried on the plant. The unripe seed pods also make a gorgeous textural addition to flower arrangements. This is an annual, yet it will re-sow itself each year.
Photo of the flower by Bo Dennis. Photo of the pod by Kelsey Kobick.
Days to maturity: 50
Seeds per pack: 100-125
Germination rate: 87% on 10/11/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Direct sow on the surface of the soil around the last frost - it likes cool soil and needs sunlight for successful germination. Thin to 9-12" apart. Harvest blooms just before they start opening.
Seed keeping notes
Harvest the seed pods when they have dried on the plants.