We are raising funds to buy land and grow our business!
DONATE: Please read and support here! Thank you!
Listen to our radio show: SEEDS AND THEIR PEOPLE!
Keeping SEEDS is an act of TRUELOVE for our ANCESTORS and our collective FUTURE!
Cempaxochitl Orange Marigold
Cocoxochitl (Culinary Dahlias)
Chinese Stem Lettuce
Autumn Beauty Sunflower
Gayfeather (Blazing Star)
Sabatino’s "Peppe Insalata" Lettuce
Oasis Shungiku (Chrysanthemum Greens)
Hanson Lettuce
Sunflower Kaleidoscope Mix
Taiwanese Sword Lettuce (AA Choy)
Orange Cosmos
Red Celtuce (Stem Lettuce)
Golden Skytop Sunflower Mix
Summer 38 Celtuce
New England Aster
Black-Eyed Susan