We are raising funds to buy land and grow our business!
DONATE: Please read and support here! Thank you!
Listen to our radio show: SEEDS AND THEIR PEOPLE!
Keeping SEEDS is an act of TRUELOVE for our ANCESTORS and our collective FUTURE!
Ají Amarillo (Peruvian Chile)
Buena Mulata Pepper
Landis Winter Lettuce
Plate de Haiti Tomato
Fish Pepper
White Velvet Okra
Frijol Rojo de Seda (Red Silk Bean)
Winterspinat Haldenstein (Winter Spinach)
Petit Marseillais Pepper
Mary Reynold's Orange Tomato
White Queen Tomato
Mikado Tomato
Sehsapsing (Oklahoma Delaware Blue) Flint Corn
Blue Shackamaxon Bean
Hannah Freeman Bean
Potawatomi Pole Lima Bean
New Hanover Ground Cherry
Moyamensing Tomato
King Philip Corn
Pippin's Golden Honey Pepper