Minnesota 13 Field Pea
Vigna unguiculata
Extra-early maturing holstein-type field pea selected for growing in northern climates with shorter seasons. This is a short, bushy variety with flowers and pods developing above the foliage and off the ground.
This variety was released in 1986 by David W. Davis of the Department of Horticulture Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota. From his report: "MN 13 and MN 150 are F11 selections from the line cross Virginia #59-41 X New Hampshire #2 Cream that was obtained as an F2 family in 1966 from Elwyn Meader, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of New Hampshire. Single plant selections were made in the F2 through F8. Thereafter, superior plants within lines were bulked each year."
Days to maturity: 98
Seeds per pack: 60-65
Germination rate: 82% on 11/26/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Direct sow black-eyed peas safely after frost, any time between late May and mid-July. This is a climbing vine crop, so it needs to be planted next to a structure or trellis. Plant 1 inch deep with 3-4 inch spacing, either in 1 row on each side of the net trellis or in another arrangement if using a different kind of trellis, like a pole or garden sculpture. Being a legume, it does fairly well in and adds nitrogen to poor soil.
Seed keeping notes
Black-eyed peas are self-pollinating, though it is best to isolate different varieties of V. unguiculata (including black-eyed peas, southern peas, cowpeas, and long beans) at least 20 feet, if not much farther to avoid unwanted cross-pollination. Allow beans to dry fully into a brown crispy state. This is when they are ready to harvest for seed. If necessary, lay them out to dry a little longer in their pods.