Scarlet Peony Poppy
Papaver spp.
Beautiful, vibrant, red peony-like blooms make a splash from mid-summer through early frosts. For a particularly striking effect, grow these large, double flowers together in a mass planting. Elegant, 5"-wide flowers grow on 2-3' tall plants with light icy-green foliage. While they are annuals, they will self sow if they like the home they have been offered.
Days to maturity: 70-100
Seeds per pack: 200
Germination rate: 44% on 10/05/2021 (below standard)
Planting / harvesting notes
Direct sow after last danger of frost in full sun. These seeds need some light to germinate, so sprinkle directly on the soil. Consider mixing the seed with sand, sawdust, or old potting mix to make it easier to sow evenly. Thin to at least 9-12" apart, as the foliage can get dank if planted too close. Like all poppies, they do not like to be transplanted, but if you do, transplant them young and on a cool, damp, overcast day for best chance of success. They are not fussy in terms of soil: they don't need a rich garden soil, but they will not complain about it either.
Seed keeping notes
To harvest the seeds, cut the dried, browned seedheads into a paper bag. Dislodge the seeds by breaking apart the seedheads. Use a strainer to sift out the larger chaff. Use your breath, wind, or fans to winnow off lighter weight chaff.