Epiphany School
Epiphany is a tuition-free independent school in Boston with a comprehensive garden program! Our school includes a middle school (grades 5-8) and an early learning center (infants-preschoolers). We are open 11 hours a day and strive to be a full-service school: the school day includes three meals and snacks, sports, visual and performing arts, garden-based-learning, therapy, study hall, tutoring, and much more.
Our garden program includes a 1000 square foot tropical greenhouse, a 24-raised-bed vegetable garden, a pollinator garden, and a rain garden.
The garden program is part of every facet of the school:
* Garden-based learning: During the school day, we collaborate with teachers at both the middle school and early learning center, creating rigorous, exploratory, hands-on projects and activities.
* Youth leadership: We offer Green Club (a cooking and gardening program) to our middle schoolers as an elective during the school day.
* Youth employment: Our high-school-aged graduates garden and cook with us over the summer, and then lead events and assist with garden maintenance during the school year.
*Food sovereignty: We collaborate with our families to center culturally important crops in our gardens and we work with other food justice organizations in our community to increase food sovereignty and food security in Boston.
* Sanctuary: Our greenhouse and gardens are a sanctuary for our entire community, from students and families to staff and teachers to neighbors and pollinating insects.