Vit Mâche
Valerianella locusta
Cool-weather oval-shaped greens in low, tight rosettes. Mild, nutty green flavor with a hint of roses. It is often called “corn salad” as it would grow wild in grain fields and would be foraged by European peasants.
Grow this during cool seasons like fall and spring, or through mild winters with some row cover or in a high tunnel.
This petite plant is a member of the honeysuckle family alongside valerian.
Also known as mâche, lamb's lettuce, and corn salad.
Days to maturity: 50
Seeds per pack: 200
Germination rate: 82% on 04/10/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Direct sow seeds 1 inch apart, thinning to 3 inches during cooler weather when soil conditions are between 41 and 68 degrees. They will not do well planted during warmer temperatures. Harvest the mature rosettes at 2-3 inches tall and eat alone or in salad mixes.
Seed keeping notes
Seeds are ready when the seed head dries (after the flowers fade). Be careful not to let the seeds blow away - they are small! After harvest, dry them further in a dry, ventilated place. Shake the plant in a bag or bucket to release the seeds. Use a strainer to sift out the larger chaff. Use your breath, wind, or fans to winnow off lighter weight chaff.