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Blue Vervain

Verbena hastata

Grown by: Mill Hollow Plant Music in Newtown Square, PA

  • $5.00

Beautiful purple flower spikes atop an upright plant with spear-shaped, coarsely toothed leaves. It is a favorite for bees and butterflies! Native to and found throughout North America. Its leaves and flowers are used as a nervine and for indigestion, colds, and fevers. Our seed grower, Althea, adds that it is used in love potions in Appalachia and the British Isles.

Days to maturity: 80

Seeds per pack: 200

Germination rate: 76% (total viability: 95%) on 2/28/2024 (read more about viability)

Planting / harvesting notes

These seeds germinate well when stratified and sown in early spring and lightly covered with your growing medium after planting. Blue Vervain prefers full sun, but can grow in partial shade. In the wild, it prefers to grow in fertile, moist yet well-drained meadows, prairies, and riverbeds.

Seed keeping notes

Harvest the seeds after the flowers have faded and dried out. Check with your fingernail to see if the loosened seeds are firm and mature. Dry out the seeds.

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