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Yanagawa Takana Mustard

Brassica juncea

Grown by: Truelove Seeds Farm in Glen Mills, PA

  • $5.00

Yanagawa Takana is an heirloom Japanese mustard with large, green, loosely-bunching leaves, tender, medium-sized midribs, and a mild flavor. Not as spicy as many other mustard greens! It has become an instant favorite on our farm. Best sown in early spring or in fall, as a cool-weather crop.

Days to maturity: 40-50

Seeds per pack: 140

Germination rate: 84% on 01/21/2025

Planting / harvesting notes

Seed every 1" in rows 8-12" apart, 1/4-1/2" deep. Keep watered until germination. Thin to every 6-12" for full heads, or treat as cut-and-come-again baby greens. Harvest baby greens after 21 days, or allow plant to mature in 40 days.

Seed keeping notes

Isolate by 1/2 mile from other flowering members of B. juncea, including turnips, napa cabbage, and bok choy to avoid unwanted cross-pollination. Allow seed pods to turn brown and dry before seed harvest. Protect from birds.


This product is part of the East Asian Collection.

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