Liz's Tall Pink Poppies
Papaver rhoeas
Liz's Tall Pink Poppies are tall annual poppies that grow up to 3’ tall with white to pink to mauve petals. The honey bees love this poppy! The seed heads are large and are used in ornamental displays when dry. Sow seeds in cool soil in early spring. Needs darkness to germinate. In our zone 6 here at the CSG at Genesis Farm, we sow it as late as December 6, cover it with floating row cover, (remove row cover in the spring) and it takes off and makes sturdy plants for an early ‘Poppy Show’. Prefers full sun.
Days to maturity: 75-90
Seeds per pack: 200
Germination rate: 91% on 02/19/2024
Planting / harvesting notes
Direct sow on the surface of the soil around the last frost - it likes cool soil and needs sunlight for successful germination. Thin to 9-12" apart. Harvest blooms just before they start opening.
Seed keeping notes
Collect dried seed heads and whack them in a bucket to remove the seeds.