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Blue Pod Capucijner Pea

Pisum sativum

Grown by: Truelove Seeds Farm in Newtown Square, PA

  • $5.00

Add striking purple color to your fence line! Blue Pod Capucijner Pea tastes great as a fresh shelling pea, but traditionally they are considered a dried soup pea variety grown in Holland perhaps as early as the 1580s. William Woys Weaver argues that while the Capuchin monks may have had developed and grown a similar pea in their cloister gardens in the late Middle Ages, it is likely this variety was perfected much later by Dutch seedsmen.

Peas (Pisum sativum) have been cultivated by humans for at least 7000 years. Some of the earliest remains were found in Egypt (4800-4400 BC). They are native to the entire Mediterranean Basin, and parts of the Middle East over to India.

Originally, peas were mainly used as a dry-seeded pulse helping people survive the winters. Much later in modern Europe and China they were selected for their fresh shelled peas, then for their entire fresh pods (mange-tout), and later still for their de-skinned split peas for soup. Again, enjoy this blue-podded beauty for its fresh shelled peas or use the dried pea in soups and porridge. 

Days to maturity: 65

Seeds per pack: 40

Germination rate: 90% on 02/06/2024

Planting / harvesting notes

Seed directly in the ground as soon as the soil can be worked in the early Spring. Sow about an inch apart in rows on either side of a trellis, or in bands of 2-3 feet, with the trellis in the middle. Keep soil constantly moist until germination. No need to thin.

Seed keeping notes

Peas are self-pollinating, though it is best to isolate different varieties of P. sativum by at least 25 feet (we do 75 feet to be sure) to avoid unwanted cross-pollination from flying insects. For seed saving, harvest the peas when their shells have become dried and crispy. Lay out the pods in a dry, sunny place to dry down further. Shell the peas and lay out the seeds in a well ventilated place away from direct sunlight for at least another few days to a week before storing for next year.


This product is part of the Roughwood Seed Collection.

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