We are raising funds to buy land and grow our business!
DONATE: Please read and support here! Thank you!
Listen to our radio show: SEEDS AND THEIR PEOPLE!
Keeping SEEDS is an act of TRUELOVE for our ANCESTORS and our collective FUTURE!
Black Peanuts
Ewa Oloyin (Honey Bean)
Sieva Carolina Lima Bean
Fagiolo del Purgatorio (Purgatory Bean)
Dolique de Cuba (Long Bean)
Pretzel Bean
Rice Pea
Risser Sickle Pea
Fagiolina del Trasimeno (Cream-Colored)
Mississippi Silver Hull Crowder Pea
Bambara Groundnuts Mix
Whippoorwill Southern Pea
Syrian Pea
Landreth Stringless Bush Bean
Green Pigeon Pea (Northern Adapted)
Panther Edamame Soybean
Przebędówska Oliwkowa (Polish Pea)
Rattlesnake Pole Bean
Rockwell Bean
Haricot Rouge du Burkina Faso (Southern Pea)