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Carolina Broadleaf Mustard Greens

Carolina Broadleaf Mustard Greens

Brassica juncea

Grown by: Sistah Seeds in Emmaus, PA

  • $5.00

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Large, wrinkled, wide leaves with the classic southern mustard green flavor and spicy kick of the old favorite Florida Broadleaf, but with much needed resistance to bacterial blight. 16-24" tall plants are great for salads when young, and cooking when large.

This variety was developed in 2015 by Mark Farnham and Pat Wechter in South Carolina after they trialed numerous varieties of mustards from various regional USDA plant introduction stations for disease resistance and found two to be particularly resistant to bacterial blight (G 30988 and PI 418956 - both originally collected in China). In 2017, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange introduced this variety to ensure we can have our delicious mustards and eat them too!

Photo credit: Sistah Seeds.

Days to maturity: 42

Seeds per pack: 500

Germination rate: 85% on 02/09/2024

Planting / harvesting notes

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or seed every 1" in rows 8-12" apart, 1/4-1/2" deep. Keep watered until germination. Thin to every 8-12" for fuller heads, or treat as cut-and-come-again baby greens. Harvest baby greens after 25 days, or allow plant to mature in 40-50 days.

Seed keeping notes

Isolate by 1/2 mile from other flowering members of B. juncea to avoid unwanted cross-pollination. Allow seed pods to turn brown and dry before seed harvest. Protect from birds.


This product is part of the African Diaspora Collection.

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